Tropical Fish Care For Beginners


When you’re thinking about purchasing tropical fish, there are a lot of things to consider. Owning a pet of any kind is a big responsibility, and it should only be done with the proper amount of preparation. Do some research, and find out exactly what you are getting into before you make the commitment. This article will provide new fish owners with some valuable information on tropical fish care.

The Tank

Once you’ve made the decision to get some tropical fish, the first thing you’re going to need is somewhere to put them. That’s why the first thing on our tropical fish care list is the tank. No matter how many fish you are getting, try to buy the largest tank that your budget will allow. There are a number of reasons for this. First, it’s just nice to give your fish as much room as possible to move around. It’s also much easier to regulate the temperature in a larger tank, and that will only keep your fish healthier. Also, you may want to add more fish at a later date.

Another important part of tropical fish care is arranging the tank properly. Make sure you have plenty of things in the tank that will give your fish lots of places to hide. They won’t necessarily hide all the time, but if they know they have plenty of options, they will not be as stressed. You also need to be careful about where you place your tank. Avoid placing it in an area where it may receive direct sunlight. There are a number of problems that can arise from this.

The Fish

If you are planning to have multiple fish in your tank, do not add them all at one time. Give your fish time to adapt without the stress of being thrown into new surroundings with a large group of other fish. This will also give the natural filtration system time to adjust as each fish gets added.

One of the most important parts of tropical fish care is proper feeding. You can get away with feeding only fish flakes to them, but a little variety will keep your fish healthier and happier. Throw in a little something else once in while to supplement the fish flakes. Another important thing to remember is not to over feed your fish. Try two small feedings instead of one big one each day. If there are flakes at the bottom of the tank after the fish have eaten, you have given them too much.

Finally, frequent water changes are very important for tropical fish care. This will keep your fish healthier and your tank looking it’s best.


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